International workshop within BSB165 Hydroeconex project

International workshop within BSB165 Hydroeconex project

On September 15, 2021, the Institute of Zoology organizes the international workshop “Monitoring the Dniester and Prut rivers and indicators of the impact of hydropower constructions on the functioning of transboundary aquatic ecosystems” within the project “Creating an innovative transboundary monitoring system of transformations of river ecosystems the impact of hydropower development and climate change “- HydroEcoNex (eMS code BSB165). The event will bring together representatives of research and educational institutions from the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine, representatives of ministries, non-governmental organizations, the main topics referring to the complex monitoring of hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological changes and services of Dniester and river ecosystems. Prut, under the impact of hydrotechnical constructions and climate change. On the occasion of this workshop on September 15, 2021, a press conference will be organized, which will take place starting with 11-00 at INFOTAG, Chisinau, 76 Mihail Kogălniceanu Street.

The event will take place in the Conference Hall of the Institute of Zoology, 3rd floor, 1 Academiei Street, starting with 14-00. The access address through ZOOM is:

Meeting ID: 847 3753 4141

Passcode: 971976

Agenda of the workshop:

Agenda workshop BSB165_15 .09.2021_final

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