The implementation Group of Activities is focused on the elaboration of well-organized measurement networks and compatible monitoring system for accurate assessments of water resources in Transboundary Rivers affected by hydropower development and climate change. Assessment is essential for making informed decisions and formulating policy at the local, national and regional levels and because two or more countries calls for comparable information. The implementation of this GA adds to the fulfilment of the specific objective related to developing a system of monitoring of impacts of hydropower on transboundary river basins, worsened by climate modifications. This GA will be led by IZASM in collaboration with all other partners, who will be involved in collection and providing relevant historical and actual data. A set of indicators will be elaborated via: a) systematization of a large volume of information and existing data on environmental state and functionality of freshwater ecosystems of the investigated transboundary rivers: Dniester and Prut b) analyzing of the current situation in comparison to the reference one. The obtained set of indicators will be tested in investigated ecosystems and used in policy formulation and validated at an international workshop at the end of the project.