Methodological guide for monitoring the hydropower impact on transboundary river ecosystems

Methodological guide for monitoring the hydropower impact on transboundary river ecosystems

Methodological guide is elaborated in the frame of the project BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative
transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower
development and climate change – HydroEcoNex (Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020,
financed by the European Union). In addition, some research results, which were obtained both within
the finalised international project MIS ETC 1150 (2012-2015), national project AQUASYS (2015-2019) and
ongoing projects BSB 27 (2018-2021), AQUABIO (2020-2023) were used.

The book guides the researchers, specialists in aquatic ecology, hydrology, youth (students of all
levels of the higher education institutions) and all other interested people in their acquaintance with the
theoretical and applied aspects of monitoring the impact of hydropower complex operation and climate
change on ecological status and functioning of aquatic ecosystems, including processes occurring in
their watersheds. The guide was translated and published into Romanian (Institute of Zoology) and Ukrainian(Ukrainian Scientific Center for the Ecology of the Sea).

The English version of the guide can be downloaded from here.

The Ukrainean version of the guide can be downloaded from here. 


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