
Spatial clustering of ecosystems of the Dniester floodplain for the economic assessment of ecosystem services (in Russian)

КАЗАНЦЕВА, О.И.; СЫРОДОЕВ, Г.Н. Пространственная кластеризация экосистем поймы Днестра для экономической оценки экосистемных услуг.  In: EU Integration and Management of the Dniester River Basin, Proceedings of the International Conference, Chisinau, October 8-9, 2020. Chisinau: Eco-TIRAS, 2020, pp. 108-111 Kazanteva O. and Sirodoev G._RU

Current state of the Dniester River within the territory of the Republic of Moldova according to some physico-chemical parameters (in Romanian)

JURMINSKAIA, O.; BAGRIN, N.; ZUBCOV, E. Starea actuală a fluviului Nistru pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova conform unor parametri fizico-chimici. In: EU Integration and Management of the Dniester River Basin, Proceedings of the International Conference, Chisinau, October 8-9, 2020. Chisinau: Eco-TIRAS, 2020, pp.74-80 Jurminskaia O. et al_RO_final

Results of the parasitological study of Vyrezub Rutilus frisii (Nordmann, 1840) from the Middle and Lower Dniester River (in Russian)

МОШУ, А.Я.; ТРОМБИЦКИЙ, И.Д. Результаты паразитологического изучения вырезуба Rutilus frisii (Nordmann, 1840) среднего и нижнего Днестра. In: The conference dedicated to Associate Professor L. L. Popa, June 25, 2020. Тирасполь: Eco-TIRAS, 2020, pp.116-133. ISBN 978-9975-3404-3-4. Moshu A. and Trombitskii I._RU

Some approaches to the economic valuation of the wetlands biodiversity in Moldova

The article presents principal results of the first experience of economic valuation of wetlands biodiversity in Moldova. The country's largest Ramsar site “Lower Dniester” served as a case study. This  wetland,  located  in  the  Dniester  River  basin,  occupies  60,638  ha  and  includes  18  natural complexes. The initial material for the study was extracted from...